Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Teacher Technology Update

I am still gaining skills in using technology.  I am currently in an Administration class learning how to be a preschool program director.  One of our tasks is to create a blog for a fictitious school.  I am particularly pleased with how a slideshow I created via PhotoPeach turned out (all photos belong to me, a mash up of observation pictures I have taken in various spots).  My fake school is so awesome, I wish it were real.  Check it out...

Grow In Grace Preschool and Kindergarten

Teacher Work Update

It has been about a year since I last posted. Since then, I have done two practicums, one at Head Start Home Visiting and at James E. Biggs Preschool (public preschool). Here are some photos, in no particular order, of what I did during that time....
Creating baby "squish" bags for our students' little brothers and sisters
Improving fine motor skills using tweezers to move plastic spiders into their "webs"
...and by feeding "monsters" pumpkin seeds
Jelly Bean Counting

Creating a PECs booklet for Non-Verbal Students
Making a monthly journal of self-portraits
Beginning Scissor Skills
Teaching the 4's in Vacation Bible School

Celebrating our diversity by making paper people
Counting Dots, Creating Stories